Daniel Rankin

Baked Croissant French Toast

Daniel Rankin
Baked Croissant French Toast

It’s Easter and I very much dislike hot cross buns, they are gross. FYI they are available all year round, it’s basically glorified fruit loaf. So here’s an Easter recipe without hot cross buns or Easter eggs, but feel free to swap out the croissants for hot cross buns if you’d like to. I do think croissants work well in this dish though as the flaky pastry crisps beautifully in the oven. With every bite you get a crunchy outside and gooey centre filled with chocolate and a caramel base. Topped with toasted coconut and fresh fruit, served with a dollop of cream and a drizzle of maple syrup and you have what is in my opinion, the best French toast there is. Enjoy.


5 eggs

1 tsp (6 g) fine sea salt

2 tsp (6 g) ground cinnamon

¼ cup (62 g) brown sugar

Nutmeg, grated

1 Tbsp (14 g) vanilla extract

2 cups (480 ml) whole milk

½ cup (115 g) unsalted butter

1 cup (218 g) brown sugar

1 cup of Nutella

8-10 baked croissants

Powdered sugar

Toasted Coconut Shreds

Fresh fruit

Maple Syrup

Baked Croissant Method:

In a bowl, add in the eggs, fine sea salt, ground cinnamon, brown sugar, grated nutmeg, and vanilla extract. Whisk until thoroughly combined. 

Once combined whisk in whole milk. 

In a small saucepan, melt unsalted butter over medium heat. 

Once melted, add in packed brown sugar and whisk until combined. Continue heating until it begins to shimmer. 

Spread the mixture onto the bottom of a greased 9x12 baking dish. 

Slice the croissants in half, layer the Nutella spread and then the other half of the croissants into the baking dish. 

Pour the custard all over the croissants. Cover with foil and let sit for 20-25 minutes to soak. 

Bake in a 350F oven (with the foil on) for 30 minutes. 

After 30 minutes, remove the foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes. 

Remove from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes. 

Dust the top with powdered sugar, toasted coconut shreds, fresh fruit, and an optional drizzle of maple syrup.